April 14, 2013

1) On Sunday 4/28 after worship service in New Life cafeteria. Simon Fung will provide a seminar for parents on “How to Prepare your Teens for College.” We invite parents of teens and elementary age children to attend. A light lunch is provided.

4月28日崇拜後在新生命教會食堂裏, 將有由馮信安弟兄主講的講座主題為 “如何為您的孩子準備入大學”。我們邀請有青少年和小中學年齡的家長參加。教會會提供簡單的午餐。

2) We want your used children books! Children Worship Program is looking for any of the following categories of children’s books on : Bible stories, Books with virtues and any classics book that has a moral lesson to be learned. If you have books to donate, please leave them by the welcome table or give them to Julia Fung.

我們要舊的兒童舊書籍! 教會正需要聖經故事書,與美德有關的書籍,幼兒斑的聖經故事書和任何經典書籍。如果你有這類書籍可以捐贈,請放在迎新台,或交給劉振儀姐妹。