Giving 奉献

At Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury (3CW), we aim to worship God in our giving by covenanting together “to contribute cheerfully and regularly (see 2 Corinthians 9:6–7) to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations,” as we strive to honor the Lord with the “firstfruits” (Proverbs 3:9) of all our labor.
在木城华人基督教会(3CW),我们以定时,且甘心乐意的奉献,来敬拜上帝(参:哥林多后书9:6-7),来支持事工,教会的费用,救济有需要的人,到地极传扬福音,像箴言3:9 说到 “你要以财物和一切初熟的土产尊荣耶和华 。”
By your offering, you are participating in the ministry of Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury (3CW). We like to thank you in advance for your giving to the Lord’s ministry. 通过你的奉献,你也参与了木城华人教会的事工。我们预先感谢你对主的事工的付出。
Here are the many ways that you can participate: 这里有几项你可以参与的方式:
Online Giving 在线奉献
PayPal Giving Fund
3CW has enrolled with PayPal Giving Fund to accept online donations. You can give by using major credit cards.
PayPal Giving Fund is an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) public charity. By donating to PayPal Giving Fund using the donation link below, 3CW will receive 100% of your offering without any fees.
If you do not have an account with PayPal, it is easy to sign up using the link below, to create a new account. You will also receive a Tax Receipt for the donation.
3CW加入PayPal Giving Fund接受在线捐赠。你可以使用主要的信用卡捐赠。
PayPal捐赠基金是一个IRS注册的501(c)(3)公共慈善机构。通过使用下面的捐赠链接向PayPal Giving Fund捐款,3CW将收到您100%的捐款(零费用)。
Offering Box 投入奉献箱
We encourage you to bring your offering to Sunday Worship as part of the worship. Offering Box can be found at the back of the Worship Room, next to where the bulletin / welcome table.
Please make your check payable to 支票抬头请写:
“Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury”
Check by Mail 邮寄支票
You can also mail the check or bill pay to:
Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury
1083 Weir Drive Unit 500
Woodbury, MN 55125
Personal Online Banking (Bill Pay) 银行付款服务
You can offer through your personal bank’s online bill payment service. This also allows you to conveniently keep your tithe by setting up a recurring Bill Pay:
*Indicate “Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury” as your payee and specify your name as the account. Please also include your name and address, so that we could send you a tax deduction receipt at the end of the year.
请注明 “Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury” 和教会的地址为收款人。
Stock Giving 股票证券奉献
Did you know you can donate to the ministries of 3CW through stocks? You may transfer ownership of stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares. Marketable Securities are a great way to maximize your giving, because you receive an immediate income tax deduction for the full fair market value of your securities. In addition, you pay no capital gains tax on the difference between your cost and the fair market value. 你知道你可以通过股票奉献吗?你可以转让股票、债券或共同基金股份的所有权。有价证券是使你的捐赠最大化的一个很好的方法,因为你可以根据你的证券的市场价值立即获得所得税减免。此外,你不需要为你的成本和公平市场价值之间的差额缴纳资本利得税。
Other Ways to Give 其他奉献方式
To inquire about other ways to give offering, such as Bank Wire Transfer, Planned Giving, Donation of Stock, please contact Brother Yale Wang. 想咨询其他的奉献方式,像是银行转账,奉献计划,股票证券奉献 等等,请联络王耶鲁弟兄。
Email Address 电子邮箱: