July 28, 2013

1) There will be baptism on 8/4. Welcome all to witness the baptism of brothers and sisters.

8/4 日有浸禮.歡迎參加、見證弟兄姐妹受浸

2) 8/10 Church picnic at Powers Lake Park. Please invite friends to join us. Time: 11 am

8/10 教會有野餐活動. 請邀請朋友參加. 地點: Powers Lake Park 早上 11 點.

3) 3CW 2013 Summer Youth Camping Date: Thu, 8/15 to Sat, 8/17, at Kathio State Park. We encourage parents and youth to participate in this event.

3CW 2013年夏季青年露營. 日期: 8/15 – 8/17 (週四至週六). Kathio State Park. 我們鼓勵家長及青少年一起參加這個活動

4) Ellie Fung will share her short-term mission experience on 8/4 Sunday 10am in Room 230.

馮琬欣姐妹将于8/4 早上十点在230室分享她的短宣经验

5) If you want to support Ellie Fung’s short-term mission, you write your offering to 3CW and designate to “short-term mission”

如果你想支持馮琬欣姐妹的短宣事工,你可以把獻金交給3CW, 支票上指定“短宣”

6) There will be a membership class starting in September during Sunday school hour. If you are interested to be 3CW member, please come to this membership class.
