June 16, 2013

1) After 6/30 Sunday service, we will have a congregation meeting to vote for the following items: 1. To call Simon Huang as 3CW family minister. 2. To support NLC expansion plan 3. To support Ellie Fung short-term mission to Thailand/China.

6/30(星期日)祟拜後,將有會員會議表決以下項目:1。呼召黃之達弟兄 為3CW家庭/青少年傳道。 2。為了支持新生命教會的擴張計劃。 3. 為支持馮琬欣姐妹往泰國/中國短宣

2) Because of the NLC expansion project, 3cw Sunday service will move from our current location (Gym B) to Gym A and Children’s Chapel will move from their current location (room 107) to room 207.

由於新生命教會擴建工程,主日崇拜將移到新操場Gym A. 兒童聚會將會移到207室。

3) There will be a membership class starting in August during Sunday school hour. If you are interested to be 3CW member, please come to this membership class.


4) We will have baptism on 7/28. Please contact Pastor Chu for an interview if you are interested

7/28 日將有浸禮. 有意受浸者請與朱牧師聯絡.

5) Our VBS (7/7-12) is 80% full. Please register and pay for your registration in order to reserve your spot in VBS.

暑期聖經班 – (7/7-12) – 已80% 滿. 請趕快註冊並支付註冊費,以保留位置.