Where Can I Serve? 我可以在哪里事奉?
Small Groups 小组
Christian community is vital to church life. Our small groups are one way that we actively care for each other. 基督徒小组对教会生活至关重要。我们的小组是我们积极关心彼此的一种方式。
Children’s Ministry 儿童事工
Our children’s ministry serves children in Pre K through grade 5. 儿童事工服事学前到5年级的儿童。
Youth Ministry 青少年事工
Our children’s ministry serves students in grade 6 through grade 12. 青少年事工服事6至12年级的青少年
Missions 宣教
We desire to bring glory to God by making His name known and to bring hope to all peoples through the fulfillment of the Great Commission, both locally in Woodbury and to the ends of the earth. 我们要执行上帝托付的大使命,将他的名字和主内的盼望传扬给在当地木城的居民和各地的人士。让他的名字得荣耀。