Photo Scavenger hunt – VBC 2021

This is the Church, use it to make sure your GPS works  44°55′57″ N  92°57′48″ W

Location Hunt

Go to each location and take a group picture. The GPS coordinates should take you within 30 yards, then follow the clues. Stay on the trail, parts will be on a dirt trail. You will cross a street. Look both directions and cross as a group. This is not a race. Just go find everything. 
  1. (TEAM 1 START HERE) a yellow traffic sign.  44°53′54″ N  92°58′8″ W
  2. (TEAM 2 START HERE) I am surrounded by green on both sides, just don’t try to talk on the green parts 44°54′1″ N  92°58′26″ W
  3. I may be smelly, but without me, things may get trashy 44°53′58″ N  92°58′17″ W
  4. (TEAM 3 START HERE) Aspiring to be the next LeBron James?  start here 44°53′54″ N  92°58′1″ W
  5. Here is a good place to take a rest, in the middle of the forest  44°54′5″ N  92°58′28″ W
  6. (TEAM 4 START HERE) Dreaming of Everest?  start here 44°53′54″ N  92°57′59″ W

Creatures, Flowers and Oddities

On your walk take a picture of as many of the following as you can find. stay on the trail. Not everything can be found.
  1. oak tree
  2. white mushroom
  3. duck weed
  4. pink flower
  5. rabbit
  6. squirrel
  7. duck
  8. fallen tree
  9. red leaf
  10. kangaroo
  11. handicap sign
  12. turtle
  13. turkey
  14. red bird
  15. grasshopper
  16. berry (Do NOT EAT!!!)
  17. electrical box