Split Sunday

12/13/2020 早上 9:15 AM 

参与网上崇拜的正确心态:成为一个敬拜者, 而不是一个观赏者。

The right heart to join the Online Worship: Be a Worshiper, not a viewer. 
分堂崇拜 – 2 Sunday Worship
我们今天有兩堂主日崇拜。 9:15am 我们会将先在大堂一起唱诗,然后在 9:30am 讲道时分堂。
12/13 We will have 2 Sunday services. At 9:15am, we will all sing together at the main worship hall. At 9:30am, we will separate into 2 groups during sermon time.
For English speaking congregation online, please join us at the English livestream at 9:30am.
Please click this link to start the Live Streaming (you can watch the stream anytime):
9:15am Bilingual Worship + Chinese Sermon
You may also use this URL to access the Live Stream, or share to your friends and family
You may also use this URL to access the Live Stream, or share to your friends and family
星期天 1/10/2021 (Sunday) – 双语分堂崇拜 Monthly Seperate Sunday Service
1/10/21 我们將會有兩堂主日崇拜,同时进行。 我们会将先在大堂一起唱诗,然后在讲道时分组。对于在线会众,你可以通过3cw.org/live与我们一起敬拜。​
1/10/21 We will have 2 Sunday services. We will all sing together at the worship hall first and then separate into 2 groups during sermon time. For online audience, you can worship with us through 3cw.org/live​
崇拜 9:15am 开始,然后证道时间我们会分堂。请看英文的会众在敬拜与赞美后,链接到英文堂直播:
Service will start at 9:15am for Praise & Worship. Then, we will split to Chinese and English service for Sermon time. 

1/10/2021 早上 9:15 AM 

参与网上崇拜的正确心态:成为一个敬拜者, 而不是一个观赏者。

The right heart to join the Online Worship: Be a Worshiper, not a viewer. 
Please click this link to start the Live Streaming (you can watch the stream anytime):
You may also use this URL to access the Live Stream, or share to your friends and family

本周报告 This Week’s Announcement 

福音布道会 – 由邱医生主讲 Evangelistic meeting by Dr. Chiu
地方:木城华人基督教会 及 线上 Zoom
When: March 19th and 21st
Where: 3CW and Online
Dr.Chiu was born in Brooklyn, NY and came to faith in college. Although he did not grow up in a Christian household, he felt called to missions from the start of his faith journey. Dr. Chiu served as a missionary to Muslims in Central Asia for over ten years.
In the past 2 years, Pastor Chu has a Chinese devotion group on Whatsapp. If you want to join this group, you can contact him through Whatsapp at 651-560-0661.​
星期天 (Sunday) 11:15 am – 儿童主日学 Children Sunday School
请加入Zoom视频,Please join via Zoom
ZOOM #:592 831 448
星期天 (Sunday) 11:15 am – 中文成人主日学 – 基督徒的均衡生活 Chinese Adult Sunday School – Balancing the Christian Life
ZOOM #:925 3912 6964
You can attend Chinese Adult Sunday school at church or through Zoom. ​
Sunday (星期天) 11:15 am – English Adult Sunday School 英语成人主日学 – 基督徒的均衡生活 
You can attend English Adult Sunday school in-person at church or through Zoom. ​
ZOOM #:923 3838 5165
Password: 1
Sunday (星期天) 11:15 am – Young Adult Small Group 年轻人小组(英语)
This is a Small Group for Young Working Adult, College Students and fresh grads. You can join the small group in-person at the church or through Zoom. ​
ZOOM #:923 3838 5165
Password: 1
Give Offering 奉献
We encourage to give your offering by mail or electronically. 我们鼓励您通过邮寄支票或电子方式奉献。​
​You can also mail the check to:​ 你也可以把支票寄到:​
Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury​
1083 Weir Drive Suite 500​
Woodbury, MN 55125​​