Stock Giving 股票/基金奉献
Did you know you can donate to the ministries of 3CW through stocks? You may transfer ownership of stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares. Marketable Securities are a great way to maximize your giving, because you receive an immediate income tax deduction for the full fair market value of your securities. In addition, you pay no capital gains tax on the difference between your cost and the fair market value.
To Donate Stock, Broker to Broker (Typical) 通过经纪人捐赠股票(典型捐赠)
1. Contact your broker and let them know that you wish to have a DTC Transfer of Stock to Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury.
1. 联络你的经纪公司,让他们知道你希望把股票转到 Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury。
2. Instruct your broker to process specific stock(s) with a targeted transfer date to Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury. The broker requires the following information: DTC Transfer # 0141 Wells Fargo, Choose Acct- 8612-6590, Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury.
2. 指示你的经纪公司处理特定的股票,并有明确的转让日期给 Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury。经纪人要求提供以下信息:DTC Transfer # 0141 Wells Fargo, Choose Acct: 8612-6590, Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury.
3. Notify our Business Office (Email Us) that a Stock transfer is in process, after you have contacted your broker.
3.当你与和经纪人取得联系后,请通知我们的办公室(电子邮件)- 股票转让正在进行中。
4. Request your broker to formally notify our Business Office when the transfer has been completed.
4. 请您的经纪人在转账完成后,正式通知我们的办公室。
To Donate Stock in Certificate Form 以证卷形式捐赠股票
1. Each Stock Certificate, unsigned. (If your certificate is signed please contact our Business Office before sending for separate designation instructions.)
1. 每份股票证书,未签名。(如已签署证书,请与我们的办公室联系,然后再另行发送指定说明。)
2. A signed Stock Power and a signed Disclaimer are required for each stock certificate. Forms may be obtained by calling our Business Office.
2. 每份股票证书均须签署股票授权书及签署免责声明。表格可致电或电邮办事处索取。
3. Specify the Stock to be used for – General Fund, Mission Fund, Building Fund or Needy Fund.
3.指定你想捐入的教会基金的用途 – 一般基金 或 感恩奉献。
4. Mail the Stock Certificates in one envelope. In another envelope mail the Stock Power and Disclaimer forms. Both envelopes are to be mailed to the agent responsible for processing Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury Stock activities:
Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury
Attn: Finance Team
1083 Weir Drive Unit #500
Woodbury, MN 55125
Contact Person 联系人
If you have any question, please feel free to contact:
Yale Wang 王也鲁
Haoying Ke 柯豪瀛
Office Phone 办公室电话:(651) 313-5923
电子邮件 Email: