Kookaburra Coast: Awesome Adventures in God’s Glory
When: July 11-15, 2022 8:30AM – 4:00 PM
Who: Children entering Kindergarten through 6th grade
Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury
1083 Weir Dr. #500, Woodbury MN 55125
Join us for a week of Bible stories, singing, activities, games, crafts, food, puppet shows, outings and more. This year we will explore who Jesus is through our Bible camp. Whether Jesus is your best friend or you don’t even know who he is, you are welcome to join us.
Fees 费用:
- $100/child
- 每位 $100
Please follow the 2 step process to complete your registration 请按照以下2个步骤完成注册::
- Step 1: Registration 第一步:注册
- Step 2: Make payment (Credit Card/Paypal) 第二步:付款(信用卡)
If you have any questions please contact 如果您有任何问题,请联系:
Pastor Simon Huang 黄牧师
Please click the Register Now button to begin. 请点击 Register Now 按钮开始登记。
*We recommend each family to submit your own registration. *我们建议每个家庭提交自己的登记。
If you choose to pay by Credit Card, after you have completed the Registration Form, please return to this page to make payment with the following link.
Step 2: Make Payment
Fees: 费用:
- $100/child
- 每位 $100
Credit card / Paypal 信用卡 / 贝宝付款
Please enter the name of the child/children you are paying for and complete the payment process (Paypal or Major Credit Card accepted)
在以下填上孩子的名字,点击 Pay Now 付款并完成付款过程(接受Paypal及信用卡)。
支票付款 Pay by Check
For check payment, please pay to: Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury, and write “VBC – Child Name” on the memo line. You may bring the check to the church and drop off in the offering box, or mail to:
支票请写 Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury, 在备忘录上填上 “VBC – 孩子的名字” 。你可以把支票带来教会,或邮寄。
Mailing Address 地址:
Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury
1083 Weir Dr Ste 500
Woodbury MN 55125