July 28, 2013

1) There will be baptism on 8/4. Welcome all to witness the baptism of brothers and sisters.

8/4 日有浸禮.歡迎參加、見證弟兄姐妹受浸

2) 8/10 Church picnic at Powers Lake Park. Please invite friends to join us. Time: 11 am

8/10 教會有野餐活動. 請邀請朋友參加. 地點: Powers Lake Park 早上 11 點.

3) 3CW 2013 Summer Youth Camping Date: Thu, 8/15 to Sat, 8/17, at Kathio State Park. We encourage parents and youth to participate in this event.

3CW 2013年夏季青年露營. 日期: 8/15 – 8/17 (週四至週六). Kathio State Park. 我們鼓勵家長及青少年一起參加這個活動

4) Ellie Fung will share her short-term mission experience on 8/4 Sunday 10am in Room 230.

馮琬欣姐妹将于8/4 早上十点在230室分享她的短宣经验

5) If you want to support Ellie Fung’s short-term mission, you write your offering to 3CW and designate to “short-term mission”

如果你想支持馮琬欣姐妹的短宣事工,你可以把獻金交給3CW, 支票上指定“短宣”

6) There will be a membership class starting in September during Sunday school hour. If you are interested to be 3CW member, please come to this membership class.


June 16, 2013

1) After 6/30 Sunday service, we will have a congregation meeting to vote for the following items: 1. To call Simon Huang as 3CW family minister. 2. To support NLC expansion plan 3. To support Ellie Fung short-term mission to Thailand/China.

6/30(星期日)祟拜後,將有會員會議表決以下項目:1。呼召黃之達弟兄 為3CW家庭/青少年傳道。 2。為了支持新生命教會的擴張計劃。 3. 為支持馮琬欣姐妹往泰國/中國短宣

2) Because of the NLC expansion project, 3cw Sunday service will move from our current location (Gym B) to Gym A and Children’s Chapel will move from their current location (room 107) to room 207.

由於新生命教會擴建工程,主日崇拜將移到新操場Gym A. 兒童聚會將會移到207室。

3) There will be a membership class starting in August during Sunday school hour. If you are interested to be 3CW member, please come to this membership class.


4) We will have baptism on 7/28. Please contact Pastor Chu for an interview if you are interested

7/28 日將有浸禮. 有意受浸者請與朱牧師聯絡.

5) Our VBS (7/7-12) is 80% full. Please register and pay for your registration in order to reserve your spot in VBS.

暑期聖經班 – (7/7-12) – 已80% 滿. 請趕快註冊並支付註冊費,以保留位置.

June 2, 2013

1) After 6/2 Sunday service, we will have a brief communication meeting about NLC expansion project

6/2 日,祟拜後有溝通會. 有關新生命教會/書院擴張的事情.請留步參加。

2) Because of the church retreat, there will be no church activities in the Woodbury location from 6/7-9

6/7-9日, 因為有夏令會活動, 本教會主日崇拜暫停一次

3) 3CW will participate in the event of “Feed my Starving Children” on 6/15 Sat 7-9pm at the Eagan location. We encourage families

to join us.

6/15日,星期六,教會會參加”Feed My Starving Children”的志願服務活動. 鼓勵您和家人參加.時間: 晚上7 – 9點. 地點– Eagan.

4) We will have baptism on 7/28. Please contact Pastor Chu for an interview if you are interested

7/28 日將有浸禮. 有意受浸者請與朱牧師聯絡.

May 26, 2013

1) After 6/2 Sunday service, we will have a brief communication meeting about NLC expansion project

6/2 日,祟拜後有溝通會. 有關新生命教會/書院擴張的事情.請留步參加。

2) Because of the church retreat, there will be no church activities in the Woodbury location from 6/7-9

6/7-9日, 因為有夏令會活動, 本教會主日崇拜暫停一次

3) 3CW will participate in the event of “Feed my Starving Children” on 6/15 Sat 7-9pm at the Eagan location. We encourage families

to join us.

6/15日,星期六,教會會參加”Feed My Starving Children”的志願服務活動. 鼓勵您和家人參加.時間: 晚上7 – 9點. 地點– Eagan.

4) We will have baptism on 7/28. Please contact Pastor Chu for an interview if you are interested

7/28 日將有浸禮. 有意受浸者請與朱牧師聯絡.

May 19, 2013

1) Today is the deadline for the church retreat registration. After today, there will be an extra $20 more for late registration. Please visit 3cw.org or sc.tcccc.org for more information. This year Summer Conference is from 6/7 – 6/9 at Crown College. The title for this year is “A Church after God’s Own Heart” by Rev Stephen Tan.

夏令會報名 — 今天最後有優待價.過了今天報名費曾加$20. 夏令會於 6/7-9日,在Crown College.舉行。今年的主題是“合神心意的教會”由陳建平牧師主講。請到 3cw,org 或sc.tcccc.org 網站報名和查詢資料。

2) 3CW will participate in the event of “Feed my Starving Children” on 6/15 Sat 7-9pm at the Eagan location. We encourage families to join us.

6/15日,星期六,教會會參加”Feed My Starving Children”的志願服務活動. 鼓勵您和家人參加.時間:晚上7 – 9點.地點 – Eagan.


May 12, 2013

1) After worship service, please join us for lunch.

崇拜後有午餐, 請留步參加

2) 3CW will join T4C summer conference (6/7-9). The title for this year is “A Church after God’s Own Heart” by Rev Stephen Tan. Registration starts now. Please visit 3cw.org or sc.tcccc.org for more information and registration. Location: Crown College

我們教會將參加T4C舉辦的夏令會.日期 – 6/7-9。今年的主題是“合神心意的教會”由陳建平牧師主講。現在開始報名。可到 3cw,org 或sc.tcccc.org 網站報名和查詢資料。 地點- Crown College

3) GB has approved to accept Simon Huang as candidate for the position of Family Minister. Please continue to pray for this matter.

里事會已通過接受黃之達弟兄作為家庭專道的候選人. 請繼續為此事禱告.

4) Parents must come to pick up their children when Sunday Service is done. Otherwise, the children will not be released from the classrooms.

家長們請於崇拜後到課室接你的小孩, 小孩不可以自行離開課室.

May 5, 2013

1) 3CW will join T4C summer conference (6/7-9). The title for this year is “A Church after God’s Own Heart” by Rev Stephen Tan. Registration starts now. Please visit 3cw.org or sc.tcccc.org for more information and registration. Location: Crown College

我們教會將參加T4C舉辦的夏令會.日期 – 6/7-9。今年的主題是“合神心意的教會”由陳建平牧師主講。現在開始報名。可到 3cw,org 或sc.tcccc.org 網站報名和查詢資料。 地點- Crown College

2) Parents must come to pick up their children when Sunday Service is done. Otherwise, the children will not be released from the classrooms.

家長們請於崇拜後到課室接你的小孩, 小孩不可以自行離開課室.

3) We Want Your Used CHILDREN Books! Children Worship Program is looking for any of the following categories of children’s books on : Bible stories, Books with virtues and any classics book that has a moral lesson to be learned. If you have books to donate, please leave them by the welcome table or give them to Julia Fung.

我們要舊的兒童舊書籍! – 教會正需要聖經故事,與美德有關的書籍,幼兒斑的聖經故事書和任何經典書籍..如果你有這類書籍可以捐贈,請放在迎新台,或交給劉振儀姐妹

April 28, 2013

1) Today after worship service in New Life cafeteria. Simon Fung will provide a seminar for parents on “How to Prepare your Teens for College.” We invite parents of teens and elementary age children to attend. A light lunch is provided.

今日崇拜後在新生命教會食堂裏, 將有由馮信安弟兄主講的講座主題為 “如何為您的孩子準備入大學”。我們邀請有青少年和小中學年齡的家長參加。教會會提供簡單的午餐。

2) We want your used children books! Children Worship Program is looking for any of the following categories of children’s books on : Bible stories, Books with virtues and any classics book that has a moral lesson to be learned. If you have books to donate, please leave them by the welcome table or give them to Julia Fung.

我們要舊的兒童舊書籍! 教會正需要聖經故事書,與美德有關的書籍,幼兒斑的聖經故事書和任何經典書籍。如果你有這類書籍可以捐贈,請放在迎新台,或交給劉振儀姐妹。

April 21, 2013

1) On Sunday 4/28 after worship service in New Life cafeteria. Simon Fung will provide a seminar for parents on “How to Prepare your Teens for College.” We invite parents of teens and elementary age children to attend. A light lunch is provided.

4月28日崇拜後在新生命教會食堂裏, 將有由馮信安弟兄主講的講座主題為 “如何為您的孩子準備入大學”。我們邀請有青少年和小中學年齡的家長參加。教會會提供簡單的午餐。

2) We want your used children books! Children Worship Program is looking for any of the following categories of children’s books on : Bible stories, Books with virtues and any classics book that has a moral lesson to be learned. If you have books to donate, please leave them by the welcome table or give them to Julia Fung.

我們要舊的兒童舊書籍! 教會正需要聖經故事書,與美德有關的書籍,幼兒斑的聖經故事書和任何經典書籍。如果你有這類書籍可以捐贈,請放在迎新台,或交給劉振儀姐妹。

April 14, 2013

1) On Sunday 4/28 after worship service in New Life cafeteria. Simon Fung will provide a seminar for parents on “How to Prepare your Teens for College.” We invite parents of teens and elementary age children to attend. A light lunch is provided.

4月28日崇拜後在新生命教會食堂裏, 將有由馮信安弟兄主講的講座主題為 “如何為您的孩子準備入大學”。我們邀請有青少年和小中學年齡的家長參加。教會會提供簡單的午餐。

2) We want your used children books! Children Worship Program is looking for any of the following categories of children’s books on : Bible stories, Books with virtues and any classics book that has a moral lesson to be learned. If you have books to donate, please leave them by the welcome table or give them to Julia Fung.

我們要舊的兒童舊書籍! 教會正需要聖經故事書,與美德有關的書籍,幼兒斑的聖經故事書和任何經典書籍。如果你有這類書籍可以捐贈,請放在迎新台,或交給劉振儀姐妹。