Happy New Year

2013 is a special year for 3CW

By the end of 2012, there were 4 families leaving 3cw (including our youth minister, Rich). For a church of a hundred people, it had a big impact for 3cw. So, no one knew how it would affect our ministry and offering. Imagine the 52-week calendar is our game clock. For 2013, our offering were always behind our budget. By the 3rd quarter, we were 2 months behind. But by the 51th week, we tied the game. At the buzzer, we blew out our opponent. When I recounted this story in our prayer meeting, someone asked me, “Pastor, did you worry?” I paused and I changed the subject. Then, everyone laughed.

In 2013, God sent Simon Huang to us as our family minister. And through him, God bless 3cw. Simon came up ideas that I would never imagine:

“Should we start tutoring service for students?” IMG_8199 (We ended up providing a tutoring service from Mon-Fri for Chinese students. One student came to know Christ.);


“Our Vacation Bible School should be a full day camp.” (We ended up have 25 kids came to our VBS in a week of June.)



2013 VBS

“We can have a open gym session after Sunday service.” (We now have people who would not come to 3cw come to the open gym.)




Even though we started with less people in the beginning of 2013, we had more people stepping up to serve.


No Human Mind Has Conceived

           worship in Gym B

For the past 5 years, 3cw used New Life Academy’s gym for Sunday worship. We always wanted to have a better place for worship. Our plan was to buy a place and build a church. In fact, 3cw had signed a purchase agreement at one time but it had not gone through.

            But God has a better plan. New Life Church shared with us their 5 million expansion plan in spring, 2013. After listening to their plan, we asked them if we could use their newly build youth worship room for our Sunday worship. Now, we move our worship to the “upper room.”

upper room worship

Just as 1 Corinthians 2:9 says,

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him.







2014 is 3cw 10th year anniversary. God is blessing us with some special events:

        • Youth Retreat by Alex Chediak (4/25-26)

Dr. Chediak is a U.C. Berkeley Material Science PhD and he is also a Physic professor. He is the author of Thriving at College and Preparing Your Teens For College. He will speak to youth and their parents on these 2 topics.

        •  Christopher Yuan Evangelistic Meeting (6/6-8)

Christopher and his parents will come to share with us their testimony. Christopher’s father is a Chinese immigrant and a dentist. Christopher was studying dentistry too. But because of his homosexual inclination, he left his family. They will share their testimony how Jesus turned this family around. Christopher will also talk about homosexuality and the Bible.




We are excited for what God has planned for us. You can check out our church’s website 3cw.org for more details.