Audio Sermon Archive


You can find a complete listing of sermons here.


July 2012

蛻變 Metamorphosis

神的見證人 God’s Witnesses

虎父無犬子 Tiger Father Has No Canine Son

Sternness and Kindness 嚴厲和恩慈

June 2012

Loyal Love 忠愛

The Rich Fool 無知的財主

2012 Church Retreat 教會退修會 – Session 4: Tofu Foundation 信息 4: 豆腐渣工程

2012 Church Retreat 教會退修會- Session 3: The Spiritual Life Illustrated 信息3: 屬靈生命的描述

2012 Church Retreat 教會退修會- Session 2: Dimensions of Spirituality 信息 2: 靈性的不同層面

2012 Church Retreat 教會退修會- Session 1: The Spirit Filled Life 信息 1: 聖靈充滿的生命