主日证道 Sunday Sermon


12/6/2020 – 坚如铁,软如棉 Strong as Steel, Soft as Cotton – 使徒行传 Acts 15:1 – 16:5 主日证道 Sunday Sermon


11/29/2020 – Marriage Points to Something Greater 婚姻意味着更伟大的东西 – Sunday Sermon 主日证道


11/22/2020 – 遭逼迫而不背弃 Persecuted, but Not Abandoned – 使徒行传 Acts 14:1-28


11/15/2020 – 迎难而上 Facing Difficulties – 使徒行传 Acts 13:13-52


11/8/2020 – Shame on Us – 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 – Sunday Sermon

11/8/2020 – 合神心意的家庭聚会 – 约翰福音 12:1-3 – 主日证道


10/25/2020 – I am the Bread of Life 我就是生命的粮 – John 约翰福音 6:25-59


10/18/2020 – 直到地极 To the End of the Earth – 使徒行传 Acts 13:1-12


10/11/2020 – The Power to put on New Clothing 穿上新衣服的能力 – Colossians 歌罗西书 3:12


10/4/2020 – 上主作为何等奥妙 God moves in a mysterious way – 使徒行传 Acts 12:1-25


9/20/2020 – Put to Death 治死 – Colossians 歌罗西书 3:5-11


9/13/2020 – 死人,出来!The dead, come out! – 约翰福音 John 11:40-46


9/6/2020 – 神不偏待人 God shows no favoritism – 使徒行传 Acts 10:1 – 11:18


8/30/2020 – 恩重如山 The Measureless Grace – 使徒行传 Acts 9:1-31


8/23/2020 – Set your minds on things above 你要把心思放在上面的事 – Colossians 歌罗西书 3:1-4


8/16/2020 – 教会的种子 Seed of the Church – 使徒行传 Acts 8:5-40


8/9/2020 – 谁是正统?Who has the Orthodox Faith? – 使徒行传 Acts 6-8


8/2/2020 – 合一须在神的旨意里 Unity must align with God’s purpose – 创世纪 Genesis 11:1-9


7/26/2020 – 变相的祝福 A Blessing in Disguise – 使徒行传 Acts 6:1-7


7/19/2020 – 使徒的榜样 The Example of the Apostle – 使徒行传 Acts 5:12-42


7/12/2020 – 耶稣哭了 Jesus wept – 约翰福音 John 11:33-40


7/5/2020 – Christ not rituals and rules 基督不是仪式与规则 – Colossians 歌罗西书 2:16-23


6/28/2020 – 教会是什么?What is the Church? – 使徒行传 Acts 4:32-5:11

黑暗不能胜过光 Darkness cannot overcome Light – 使徒行传 Acts 4:1-31

June 21, 2020
Sunday Sermon: Darkness cannot overcome Light
使徒行传 Acts 4:1-31
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

The Fullness of Christ 基督的丰盛 – Colossians 歌罗西书 2:6-15

June 14, 2020
Sunday Sermon: The Fullness of Christ
Colossians 歌罗西书 2:6-15
Preacher: Pastor Simon Huang 

感恩的心 The Heart of Gratitude – 撒母耳记下 2 Samuel 7

June 7, 2020
Sunday Sermon: The Heart of Gratitude
撒母耳记下 2 Samuel 7
Preacher: Tien Wu

铸成大错 A Grave Mistake 使徒行传 Acts 3:11-26

May 31, 2020
Sunday Sermon: A Grave Mistake
使徒行传 Acts 3:11-26
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

喜出望外的就恩 An Overjoyed Salvation

May 24, 2020
Sunday Sermon: An Overjoyed Salvation
使徒行传 Acts 3:1-10
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

以福音为动力的爱 Gospel-Powered Love

Date: May 17, 2020
Sunday Sermon: Gospel-Powered Love
彼得前书 1 Peter 1:22-25
讲员 Preacher: Ben Straub

母亲节证道 – 当记念我们的母亲 – Mother’s Day Sermon – Remember our Mothers – 以弗所书 Ephesians 6:1-3

May 10, 2020
Sunday Sermon: Remember our Mothers
以弗所书 Ephesians 6:1-3
讲员:王常明 牧师
Preacher: Pastor Peter Wang

在地如在天 On Earth as In Heaven – Acts 2:40-47

May 3rd, 2020
Sunday Sermon: On Earth as In Heaven
使徒行传 Acts 2:40-47
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

关键时刻 A Crucial Time

April 26, 2020
Sunday Sermon: A Crucial Time
使徒行传 Acts 2:1-41
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

翻天覆地的信仰 An Earth-Shattering Religion

April 19, 2020
Sunday Sermon: An Earth-Shattering Religion
使徒行传 Acts 1
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

复活的大能 Resurrection Power

Date: April 12, 2020
Sunday Sermon: Resurrection Power
哥林多前书 1 Corinthians 15
Preacher: Pastor Simon Huang

天堂 Heaven 启示录 Revelation 21:1 – 22:5

Date: April 5, 2020
Sunday Sermon: Heaven
启示录 Revelation 21:1 – 22:5
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

疫情中的反省 A Sober Reflection During the Pandemic

Date: March 29, 2020
Sunday Sermon: A Sober Reflection During the Pandemic
传道书 Ecclesiastes 7:1-14
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

究竟你是真心爱人,还是并非全能?Are you All-Loving or All-Powerful?

March 22, 2020
Sunday Sermon: Are you All-Loving or All-Powerful?
约翰福音11章 John 11
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

彼此洗脚的命令 The Command of Foot-Washing

March 15, 2020
Sunday Sermon: The Command of Foot-Washing
约翰福音13章 John 13
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

Audio Sermon Archive


June 2018

牆上寫的字​ The Writing is on the Wall​

Christian Worship – Part 1 ​

May 2018

貨不對辦​ False Advertising ​

王來了 The King Has Come

在神的家庭裡​ In The Family of God​

Worshiping God Together​

用權能掌管萬有Our God reigns with power

April 2018

沒有看見就相信​ Believe without Seeing​

不一樣的榮耀​ A Different Kind of Glory​

Offering our Selves​