主日证道 Sunday Sermon


12/6/2020 – 坚如铁,软如棉 Strong as Steel, Soft as Cotton – 使徒行传 Acts 15:1 – 16:5 主日证道 Sunday Sermon


11/29/2020 – Marriage Points to Something Greater 婚姻意味着更伟大的东西 – Sunday Sermon 主日证道


11/22/2020 – 遭逼迫而不背弃 Persecuted, but Not Abandoned – 使徒行传 Acts 14:1-28


11/15/2020 – 迎难而上 Facing Difficulties – 使徒行传 Acts 13:13-52


11/8/2020 – Shame on Us – 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 – Sunday Sermon

11/8/2020 – 合神心意的家庭聚会 – 约翰福音 12:1-3 – 主日证道


10/25/2020 – I am the Bread of Life 我就是生命的粮 – John 约翰福音 6:25-59


10/18/2020 – 直到地极 To the End of the Earth – 使徒行传 Acts 13:1-12


10/11/2020 – The Power to put on New Clothing 穿上新衣服的能力 – Colossians 歌罗西书 3:12


10/4/2020 – 上主作为何等奥妙 God moves in a mysterious way – 使徒行传 Acts 12:1-25


9/20/2020 – Put to Death 治死 – Colossians 歌罗西书 3:5-11


9/13/2020 – 死人,出来!The dead, come out! – 约翰福音 John 11:40-46


9/6/2020 – 神不偏待人 God shows no favoritism – 使徒行传 Acts 10:1 – 11:18


8/30/2020 – 恩重如山 The Measureless Grace – 使徒行传 Acts 9:1-31


8/23/2020 – Set your minds on things above 你要把心思放在上面的事 – Colossians 歌罗西书 3:1-4


8/16/2020 – 教会的种子 Seed of the Church – 使徒行传 Acts 8:5-40


8/9/2020 – 谁是正统?Who has the Orthodox Faith? – 使徒行传 Acts 6-8


8/2/2020 – 合一须在神的旨意里 Unity must align with God’s purpose – 创世纪 Genesis 11:1-9


7/26/2020 – 变相的祝福 A Blessing in Disguise – 使徒行传 Acts 6:1-7


7/19/2020 – 使徒的榜样 The Example of the Apostle – 使徒行传 Acts 5:12-42


7/12/2020 – 耶稣哭了 Jesus wept – 约翰福音 John 11:33-40


7/5/2020 – Christ not rituals and rules 基督不是仪式与规则 – Colossians 歌罗西书 2:16-23


6/28/2020 – 教会是什么?What is the Church? – 使徒行传 Acts 4:32-5:11

黑暗不能胜过光 Darkness cannot overcome Light – 使徒行传 Acts 4:1-31

June 21, 2020
Sunday Sermon: Darkness cannot overcome Light
使徒行传 Acts 4:1-31
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

The Fullness of Christ 基督的丰盛 – Colossians 歌罗西书 2:6-15

June 14, 2020
Sunday Sermon: The Fullness of Christ
Colossians 歌罗西书 2:6-15
Preacher: Pastor Simon Huang 

感恩的心 The Heart of Gratitude – 撒母耳记下 2 Samuel 7

June 7, 2020
Sunday Sermon: The Heart of Gratitude
撒母耳记下 2 Samuel 7
Preacher: Tien Wu

铸成大错 A Grave Mistake 使徒行传 Acts 3:11-26

May 31, 2020
Sunday Sermon: A Grave Mistake
使徒行传 Acts 3:11-26
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

喜出望外的就恩 An Overjoyed Salvation

May 24, 2020
Sunday Sermon: An Overjoyed Salvation
使徒行传 Acts 3:1-10
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

以福音为动力的爱 Gospel-Powered Love

Date: May 17, 2020
Sunday Sermon: Gospel-Powered Love
彼得前书 1 Peter 1:22-25
讲员 Preacher: Ben Straub

母亲节证道 – 当记念我们的母亲 – Mother’s Day Sermon – Remember our Mothers – 以弗所书 Ephesians 6:1-3

May 10, 2020
Sunday Sermon: Remember our Mothers
以弗所书 Ephesians 6:1-3
讲员:王常明 牧师
Preacher: Pastor Peter Wang

在地如在天 On Earth as In Heaven – Acts 2:40-47

May 3rd, 2020
Sunday Sermon: On Earth as In Heaven
使徒行传 Acts 2:40-47
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

关键时刻 A Crucial Time

April 26, 2020
Sunday Sermon: A Crucial Time
使徒行传 Acts 2:1-41
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

翻天覆地的信仰 An Earth-Shattering Religion

April 19, 2020
Sunday Sermon: An Earth-Shattering Religion
使徒行传 Acts 1
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

复活的大能 Resurrection Power

Date: April 12, 2020
Sunday Sermon: Resurrection Power
哥林多前书 1 Corinthians 15
Preacher: Pastor Simon Huang

天堂 Heaven 启示录 Revelation 21:1 – 22:5

Date: April 5, 2020
Sunday Sermon: Heaven
启示录 Revelation 21:1 – 22:5
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

疫情中的反省 A Sober Reflection During the Pandemic

Date: March 29, 2020
Sunday Sermon: A Sober Reflection During the Pandemic
传道书 Ecclesiastes 7:1-14
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

究竟你是真心爱人,还是并非全能?Are you All-Loving or All-Powerful?

March 22, 2020
Sunday Sermon: Are you All-Loving or All-Powerful?
约翰福音11章 John 11
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

彼此洗脚的命令 The Command of Foot-Washing

March 15, 2020
Sunday Sermon: The Command of Foot-Washing
约翰福音13章 John 13
Preacher: Pastor Mike Chu

Audio Sermon Archive


April 2018

陌生客.同路人​ The Emmaus Stranger​

March 2018

斤斤计较​ Tit for Tat​

此路不通​ Road Closed ​

更新变化 Transformation

王对王 King vs King

February 2018

神与我们同在 God with Us

离婚与再婚 Divorce and Remarriage 

赞美神他的智慧,权能和启示 Praise the God of Wisdom, Power, and Revelation 

Biblical Womanhood

January 2018

对半心人的呼唤 Calling for the Half-Hearted People